All Puppies on Pet Agreements are $4,000
You can download a copy of our contracts here:
- Puppies sold as companions/pets only are $4,000.
- Puppies sold with unlimited registration for show/breeding prospects, are priced at $5,000.
- Discount given to existing Shadymist puppy families when getting future puppies.**
- In order to reserve a puppy, there is a $500 reservation fee for puppies on a Pet Agreement and $1,000 reservation fee for puppies reserved on an Unlimited Agreement. These fees will be directly applied to the purchase price of the puppy once they are whelped.
We do NOT sell 2 puppies together, or puppies to families with a dog under 1 year old in their home due to
To understand what this is and why it's important, see this excellent video explanation here.
While most of our puppies are sold on Pet Agreements with limited registration, we will consider unlimited (breeding) registration on certain puppies with the following criterion:
We have 3 requirements for unlimited registration:
1) The dog must be shown in AKC conformation, breed specific classes and earn enough points for at least an adult champion title at owner’s expense.
2) All health testing must be done to include PennHip (minimum of 70th percentile), elbows, cardiac, eyes, MSU thyroid, (clear for all 4 with no flaws) and a complete DNA panel for PRA1, PRA2, prcd-PRA, ICT-A, GRMD, & GRDM (clear or carrier status is required, no affected can be bred with the exception of ICT-A). These health tests are at the owner’s expense.
3) We will co-own the dog until an AKC champion title is closed on him/her AND all health testing is completely as defined above. Once items 1 and 2 are completed and we have copies to verify, we get one breeding from the dog (if it is, in fact, a dog and not a bitch) for a bitch of our choosing, at our expense. THEN we will release our co-ownership of the dog’s registration to the co-owner in full with no further requirements other than those set forth in our standard pet contract.
No Shadymist puppy/dog can ever be registered in any dog club other than the AKC in the US, unless the dog and owner reside outside of the US.
No Shadymist puppy/dog can ever be resold, re-homed, transferred, or surrended. ALL Shadymist dogs/puppies must come back to us, *at buyer’s expense*, if they no longer wish to keep the dog for any reason for the lifetime of that dog. No exceptions.
*If you have to relinquish the dog/puppy because of your own financial or health difficulties we will assume responsibility of fees associated with the return of the dog or puppy, but only on a case by case basis.
We do not charge extra for puppies with full registration.
Shipping fee, when required, is an additional $750.
Stud Service is available to approved bitches for $4,000 or “pick of the litter”, at my discretion. Please contact me for more information.
Please read this agreement in its entirety, then give us a call if you are interested in reserving a Shadymist Puppy. We do not accept and reservations or visitors without first having a brief phone interview. Only after that interview you can complete the required information and mail/give the signed original with your deposit to ensure you have secured the puppy of your choosing. We will return your original, with our signature, when puppy is delivered to you.
**We do NOT place 2 puppies in the same home, ever. No exception. If you'd like 2 young dogs, train your first pup, and when he/she is about 8 months old you can more successfully add that second puppy. There is an issue with raising 2 puppies together alone without older dogs around called "Littermate Syndrome." It is for this reason you can reserve a 2nd puppy, and will get a discount, but he/she cannot go home until your existing puppy is at least 8 months old.
We encourage you to address any content of your contract for clarification if needed and we will happily answer any questions relating to your specific puppy, our canine family, and the contract. So please do not hesitate to contact us openly and early in the process to prevent any delays in placing your puppy with you.